News and Announcements
Tournament draw - final standings
What an awesome day for our year-end tournament! Thanks all for a great wrap up to the 2024 season. Congrats to the Jungle, Isotopes & Hornets for winning the tournament in their respective divisions!
A special thanks to the Cubs for running a great BBQ! Also a missed shout-out to Tim Klager for all his efforts this season dragging our fields! Thanks to Chris Curran for his work on Social Media this year and to ALL the Coaches who are the backbone of our league. Lastly a HUGE thank you to the Executive (Margot Denis, Josh Mace, Russ Bartel, Dwight Strauss & Ethan Newman) for all the behind the scenes work and leadership they provide! Another great year and I cant wait to do it all again in 2025!
There will likely be room for 2-3 more teams if you know of any churches looking to join. Spread the word and have a great summer everyone
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And your winners are....
Congrats to the 3 division winners for the 2024 season
A Division – North Langley Community Church Saints
B Division – Abbotsford Pentecostal Avalanche
C Division – Immanuel Chrisitan Reformed Isotopes
A few more regular season games this week and then onto the tournament! Action starts 830am Saturday June 15th. A division will play Monday June 17th, C Division plays Wednesday June 19 and B division plays Friday June 21st. All the elimination games starts on June 22nd and we’ll be having the BBQ and skills competition 1145-100pm
Come out and cheer on your team and grab a complimentary hot dog!
2024 is underway
The schedule is up and games are under way. Good luck to all the teams and lets make 2024 and awesome year!
Playoffs start June 15 and run through June 22
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That's a wrap!
What a great finish to the 2023 season. Thanks everyone for making it a great year!
Special props to the Hornets, River-Rats and Cubs for taking home the tournament hardware! Jobs well done.
I can’t thank the Executive team enough for their support and contributions, Margot, Russ, Josh and rock. Special mention to Cory for his work keeping us financially sound and Tim for dragging the fields every Saturday.
Honourable mention to the winners of the skills competition events:
Pitching contest – Chuck Foster from the Bible Thumpers
Throwing Contest – Sam Sedun from the Roasters
Hitting Contest Ladies – Jenny Connolly from the River-Rats
Hitting Contest Men – Chris Ryskamp from the Cubs
Lastly, Wagner you rocked the BBQ with some sweet brisket sammies. YUM!!!
More picutres are on our Facebook page. Feel free to add some if you have them as well!
The final draw is attached.
Have a great summer all
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We are a church-based coed slopitch league based in Langley, BC since 1986. All of our games are played on our home fields at Topham Park in Walnut Grove (North Langley). We are a SPN sanctioned league using SPN umpires for all games. We promote an atmosphere of competitive, yet fun ball.
Our purpose states that the Langley Church Slopitch League exists:
-To bring honour and glory to our Lord and Saviour.
-To provide a positive, competitive environment where all participants are equally important.
-To give believers the opportunity to witness to non-believers in a relaxed, non-threatening setting.